Sunday, February 06, 2005

My First time


I do not feel like a virgin...I have to admit I have always wanted to write on my, um...boring daily stories since I started thinking.....(wow, didn't even realised I have procrastinated for so long) but never got around do it, cos, well...PROCRASTINATION...

Anyway, seeing Azmin's and Ahmad's Blog did get me to finally choose to do this. Hopefully I can be some sort of entertainment to others as they have to me. Or I am just trying to entertain myself.

Why Defiance is my favourite past time? That seems to be the only thing I do right. (FYI, I am doing so right now, spending paid hours of my company for myself....). Hopefully as I spend more time doing this I get more opportunity to explain myself.

But then again, who cares? I know I don'y (NOT)...So.....what does one write about on their first time? I don't really know what to write... (let me reference to their BLOGs again, see what's a writable topic)......................................

I know! Why do I not want to get a driver's license....

1) I can't drive.... (SOD, that's what a driving license is for.. By the time you get it, you'll know how to drive!)
2) I have failed the written test 3 times..Yes, once 2 years ago, and twice last year. One wonders how does a person sleep 16 hours a day through 3 & 1/2 years of University and still get a degree but can't pass Undang...Sheeh..
3) I feel too old to be getting the license...REALLY.....The only ones that aren't 10 years my junior are Malay (married) Ladies...even then they stand a good chance being younger than me...and the odds are improving for them daily!
4) I detest the urban inclination that the inability to drive results in loss of opportunities to find significant other(s). Admittedly, my relationship status proves that statement very much, but (defy!defy!defy!)
5) I question my reflexes at speeds above human capabilities. Coupled with my love/hate relationship with speed (A did a thesis in Hypersonic Aircraft Control, just in case you didn't know..) I fear that an open opportunity to reach speeds that can kill will....
6) I do not believe that failing 3 times wasn't just a coincidence but God's will! (hey, how did that get posted)
7) I can't find the seventh reason now, so maybe I will update it when I think of one.

So that's my first entry today. I think I will be back for more.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahah, a journal had some benefits:
1. To release emotions, like when we talk to someone.
2. To re-read and know how much we had changes, which is good changes which is not so we won't forget who we really are (Can't find yourself lost in your lies.)
3. To get attentions, and hopefully the readers graduatly understand the author.
4. Just to become silly, like what u did sometimes :P
5. etc...

But I think the most important thing of writting a journal (online or not)is to keep track of our past, happy or painful ones.