Tuesday, May 24, 2005

And they all went to Tioman......

That was my company's yearly trip destination. Happened last weekend. I didn't go for several reasons;

1) Decision to go happened during my 'low' period when I was expecting to return to now current role. So the low morale me chose to be anti-social and miss the trip.
2) I had a concert at DPP (Dewan Philharmonik Petronas) on Sunday, which I paid as part of my membership package of 7 concerts for about RM 300.00. While I didn't go, (somebody beat me!), it was an excuse....
3) I wanted to watch Judgement Day( PPV event for WWE Wrestling) on Monday morning. Going to Tioman basically meant no PPV for me.
4) I had no one to go for.......Basically (this is a section that deserves a full post, but later), every trip I go to I had someone to go for....It's kind-off the poor 'boy' in me...whatever.....

Since then, I have heard some stories on the going-ons for the trip. Mostly the stories of people loosing themselves after many a mug of beer, i.e. dancing erotically, cursing, dirty jokes and comments, etc. One of them involves a young manager helping out a drunk Canadian tourist female, who according to several sources went to the beach dancing in nude, with a bottle in her, between her, you know where.......

No I don't miss not being there when it happened, though it would have been quite an eye-opener (I haven't been to tiger shows, mind you...). Remember, this was not a professional, rather some random student tourist... Nor do I miss the trip and the company, considering I am somewhat still sore with my company...However, the fact that I missed my first annual trip on my third year was somewhat dissapointing. Not to mention the opportunity to visit Tioman and snorkel. At least I would have had the chance to say, "Yeah, I've done that!".

But I have time in my hands. Or I think.....(If I die by a freak accident in 48 hours, you'd know I brought it to myself).

I do believe that trips like these should include people that you could share precious and memorable moments with, not just any Tom, Dick, or Sally......Though not necessary it must be a loved one, it should be someone that experiences things relatively the same as you, and have interests the same as you do. Otherwise the trip will be about who's enjoying and who's giving in.

Oh well. Must not skip my next (and last) concert next month, or I shall (shoot myself).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RM300.... more than my total income in a month >_< *jealous*