Monday, July 24, 2006

History unrepeated..

For the past 2 years history repeated itself....

In June I would have the time of my life, by July I would feel like shit...

Coming to this June I was worried it might happen again, so I somewhat made conscientious efforts to avoid that from recurring. I did as much as I could to not find something overjoyed for (World Cup wasn't really all happy for me..England got kicked out by the undeserving Portugal, remember?)

I still won myself a Wrestling tournament at the end of June (which I have done for the past 2 years, if anyone noticed..) but I didn't win this time because i was lucky (which is one hell of a source of joy) but because I.........Cheated...

Ok, so 3 years after I became the all-righteous Magic:the Gathering judge I am now a player who'll cheat to win..Blame the late Eddie Guererro on that please. Like he said, "if you didn't lie, you didn't try.." Ok, so that sentence can be intrepreted in many other context. I didn't like do a Mike Long (edited accordingly) and kept some cards under my thigh. Nor did I have more prematches than I should, carefully interchanging them as required...I simply chose not to highlight the obvious, which many who have played Magic with me would agree. i like to state the obvious, when other forget about them..

I still do that in real life, you know, telling others obvious things when their common sense eludes them. Not many people can accept it, but I do my part in making life simple and straight forward..I don't do it with my words, but my actions are relatively straightforward...Choose to read between the lines (of my actions, not my words.. My words almost always have double, if not more, meanings) and you'll miss my true intention...

Back to not having history repeat itself, so the lack of sources of elation has resulted in no need to be in anguish due to the lack of it in July..And come August, please, please not have another shitty Thursday...Let it pass without event nor encounter, which is fine by me, but have easy on me...Don't give me more headaches and heartaches... (wait a minute...Not's like the 'person' who decides this would read me here, would 'it'? haha)

So life goes on...And hopefully I'd scraped through the rest of the months in relative safety.....

1 comment:

ExecutorAzmin said...

Mike Long lah!!! not Kai Budde...

as for your supposed "cheating",

well, my kar ran over the dog ma....