Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Time for Change

I no longer subscribe to Friendster......

If you were to ask why, the excuses are:

1) I don't own a digital camera, thus have no materials to post in Friendster. Something I notice everyone on it likes to do. "Look at me, I'm R&D"........have no idea where that came from, but who cares? Besides, putting photos of me online is dumb. The world's got enough eyesores to have me add to it...

2) I have no friends...Hmm, to some extent that's true, but then again it varies with definition. Some people have millions of friends (check out their Friendster links, and you'd agree), but wonder how many would visit him/her when they end up warded? Others have no 'friends', yet when in need, find their whole world chipping in. Oh, note difference in their whole world and the whole world....

3) I'm too shy to use it as a tool to meet new people......Ok, this may not be so much of an excuse....haha..

The reason why I quit Friendster is because I joined for a purpose, and that purpose no longer applies. As a result, staying connected that way no longer serves me any good, but in fact, does me a whole lot of bad....

Sorry, if those who saw the heading was hoping for something more positive...It still is to me...

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