Friday, July 25, 2008


Why am I trying to post here???

Because I don't feel like working???

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new Motto in life

Expect Nothing. Hope for Everything.

Sounds very much like a person who leaves everything to god/fate but coming from me, who has no religion and strongly believes the creator doesn't need/want to interfere, I'm not leaving things to god/fate. Just that in life when one expects, failure hurts and success only meets expectation. With hope, everything that comes true is a joy to happen; Every failure is just another day in life.

In other words I'm trying to be even happier than I already am, which really isn't really that happy.

Oh well, just wanted to document this.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I actually exercised....

by going hill trekking last Sunday.

Man was it tough. 7 stages and I didn't even make half way. Around 2.5 I was already exhausted to death and felt my legs giving way and my lungs collasping. I need to do this more I think...

Should I also mention I'm kind of in a diet? Someone I know volunteered to provide me some dietary advise which failure to follow will result in their wrath....Which at this point of time is the last thing I want to experience. Though in the future, you never know. Maybe once just for the experience, eh? :p

This other guy's blog I read said that ultimately the blog is for the readers, in otherwords YOU who actually read my blog. Funny thing is for me, the true customer is myself. Granted, if I only wanted to write this for my own reading pleasure I should have a private journal (which I do, hehehe) but even this one I more or less write it for my own sake. Sometimes yeah, maybe for others if they are keen but down the line, prior to my demise, I'd probably find time to have a visit down memory lane by reading this AND my other blog. Should be fun. Painful, but fun.

........(1 minute of silence since I don't know what else to type)

Hmm...Adios then....