Friday, April 27, 2007

What I haven't been doing:

1) Driving
2) Building Wrestling Decks
3) Updating my Resume
4) Summing up effort and courage for
5) Composing (hmm, should really be doing this and not all those hours playing PC games)
6) Going to the movies...

I know it's an imperfect list, but I can't find a '7' that's worth mentioning...

What I have been doing, on the other hand.....:

1) Playing online/multiplayer games....Bad bad bad....But but but......(DOTA!!!!)
2) Following European Football like it's the only reason I'm alive...Ok, not as fanatical, but as bad as can be without being fanatical (i.e. I won't stay up at 3am in the morning just to catch a semi-finals match...But if Liverpool is in the final, I.....nevermind..)
3) Trying to own a house....Though bad luck has it no banks will loan me money, sob...

Wow, can't even find the fourth thing I'm doing....What a ridiculously boring existence....Not that there's anything wrong with that.....hahaha....

Random post huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My schedules before working:
1. eat (3 times a day + 2 sticks of cheap chocolates if had money or other snacks if had money)
2. sleep 4-16 hours
3. reading
4. writting but usually just come out with questions instead a storyline
5. drawing
6. go to cybercafe when had money
7. figure out going to where to post CVs, also waiting my friends which I call for help around this unemployment

After working:
1. yawning, standing, sitting, sometimes(rarely, there is scary manager) talking in work.
2. deliver drinks and free popcorns, also offer them drink, which only happen less than 30 times in 8 hours.
3. sleeping.
4. eating (2 times a day + sweet water + popcorn sometimes).
5. reading, which had so less time to do it nowadays.
6. drawing but not drawing since I coloring less than 5x5cm ~~!
7. go to cybercafe, altough this makes me sleepy.

What I supposed to do:
1. rewrite a book about 'how things work'.
2. reading the encyclopedia and wrote down interesting thingies
3. arranging my cabinet of screwy books
4. reading resources on the internet and my flashdisk
5. finishing the drawing