Thursday, September 06, 2007

Ah well....

I guess the trip wasn't worth mentioning.

Things getting busier at work with more challenges coming in. Hopefully I'll cope, but I don't , I might just break down here....NOT...

Erm, what else should I update...Haven't been involved in Raw Deal for awhile. If I don't gt back into the game I might as well as plan to quit it..But the cost would have been tremendous to leave it, not that I haven't done it before..I still have unopened V:TES packs....sigh

EPL is back and my Yahoo Fantasy Football Team is absolutely shite. I wish I could do better, maybe by picking less players on a whim and doing more research....Maybe...

The only thing that I'm happy for, as in really happy is to find a weekly futsal game that I could join. It won't be enough to keep me fit, but surely gives me an opportunity to stretch my fat-laden muscles..I so need to workout...Haha...Wait, I'm suppose to deny that...

Oh well, life goes on....Wish myself luck for the next 2 months....


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhh geeeeeeeeeeeeeeezz!!!

you never told me you had such interesting blog!!! And no, I'm not flirting :P . I used to had online journal but I delete it again and again, upset for how some people abuse my thoughts to 'attack' me and trying to get me >_< .

"hopeless in relationships (with physical conditions that I have, is it suprising at all?)"
Reading that makes me MAD. Whatever male or female who view people from appearance are LOW. Well yeah, we all hoping that we had pretty mate to walk with but still need to remember what important is inside. And I believe most pretty people are kinda 'arrogant' because they got what they want from the beginning.. like many friends who admire them, boy/girlfriends, etc..

Again about appearance. If me, I careless about my appearance, I only would like to be pretty when I would walk to some1 that important for me. But I would like to maintain my health, so I'm still scared of 'overweight'. My father is fatter than u anyway, bigger than pregnant 9 months, hehehe.

As long as what I see on internet, you are a nice person Ben. You would get some1 good for you.

I was playing MTG in invasion block and that time Raw Deal begans to popular in Indonesia. I had a big box of MTG cards (oh I wish had more.. these cards most I don't buy but taken from discarted draft-plays) and three raw-deal cards (yes, only THREE hehehe).

Anonymous said...

btw, one thing I belief about relationship: 'you can't really love someone untill you can really love yourself'.

We both still tries to like ourselves, right? :)