Monday, June 15, 2009

45 days ago...

Was my last blog entry...

I just haven't been feeling like blogging. While that's shoould mean that things aren't stressful or depressing for me, it unfortunately isn't. Just that the depression is cope-able......

In any case, a chance meeting with good old Barry after like maybe months....was truly enjoyable. Though I'm not so sure about his significant other..hehe...We actually went to a Japanese restaurant that, in my recollection, was probably the first Japanese restaurant I went to. I also recall that he was the one who brought me there, back a good 12/13 years ago..

The good old days. When money was scarce but all the experience was enjoyable. Where travelling hours on busses were acceptable and having to wait 15 minutes isn't such a waste of time...

Now I may have more money but I have lost my patience, lost my appreciation for many things I used to...

Need to keep those feet firmly planted on the ground....

Oh, another person quoted that a person should be focusing on the revenue, not the expenses in a way to obtain what they want in life. Well, that only works for things that you can buy with money and it will be a never ending cycle of always wanting more because you keep on wanting to get more. That school of thought, while seemingly positive and progressive, leads people to a never ending cycle where needs are never met. I still prefer the 'pessimist' school of thought, where it's not about getting all that you want or the endless pursuit of them, but a decision to curtail those wants so that life can stop somewhere. Because while our thoughts seems endless, our lives aren't. There's no point having and endless search and hunt for things when I can't stop and smell my flowers.

I'd rather have just one pot of flowers, but I spend the rest of my time nuturing and admiring that one pot of flowers. I don't want to be going after a plot of land, acres of flowers yet never have the time to enjoy the beauty of the flowers since it's a never ending task to maintain those acres of flowers. Oh, having other people maintaining it for you may seem to be the answer, but if you aren't the person doing it, then those flowers really don't belong to you. You own them, but they don't belong to you. For the ones spending their sweat and blood are the ones actually doing the work, not some hotshot manager pointing the fingers to have things done....

hmm...I should have another go at positive thinking sometime...But not today..Today I should continue working on my pot of flowers...

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