Friday, November 18, 2005

Controversy (Part II)

Early this week, Eddie Guerrero from WWE died of unknown causes. On Monday Night RAW (shown on tuesday night in Malaysia), the show paid tribute to the wrestler of 15 years with many of his peers wrestling with him in mind, and some of his peers giving their thoughts of him on video.

So what has this got to do with my controvesy? Imagine grown men crying on air. And these aren't just normal men, these are SuperStars! What more, they're wrestling superstars!!!

Remember the thing I mentioned about women expecting their men to be macho and strong, yet sensitive? These are the nincompoops that give women that false hope. Big macho and strong men crying over a dead colleague. Real men don't cry, at least not in public. THose who need publicity stints, however, cry whenever a sad tale is heard...Just to show their sensitive side.

Again, real men don't cry in public. In private, even the strongest and insensitive men will cry. In public, no.

And there you have it. It may not really be the women's fault that their expectation of men have grown by so much....sigh....

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