Friday, December 23, 2005

Guilty as charged

for not posting for quite awhile. Been having such busy weeks at work, haven't found the time nor the topic to post.

Bought myself a keyboard last sunday, cost me about RM 600.00. It was cool at first, and cheaper than I thought, but after a week of use I realised it's not good enough..

But "nasi dah jadi bubur", so I'll have to stick with my beginner keyboard.....sob..sob..

Since then I have managed to remember what I knew how to play (and that's not a lot at all, i think it's just 2 piece)...And I plan to move on the the 2nd reason why I bought the keyboard....
by jan next year (which is 9 days away)..

Hopefully I'll be able to post the MIDI versions here (or somewhere) in 6 months time. Then anyone here can feedback.... haha..

I hope to have nicer things to write after this weekend as X'mas gives oppotunities for the youth to grow up and the grown-ups to be kids again...Interesting....

Till then.....

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