Sunday, December 04, 2005

Night of the Stars

On Friday it'was my company dinner. Men wore like hip hop stars, women just dressed nicely. Granted, not every woman looks good when they go for the broke, but you can't fault them for trying. They have the right to what they want to wear, as long as they're willing to be seen wearing them.

One of my female colleague wore a true bareback, the kind that reveals the back all the way to the waist, and it was truly an elegant dress. My pick for the night. Kudos for the taste.

There was a line up for people to take a 'mugshot' of sorts, of which is suppose to be a memento for them of that night. Me, being the anarch that I try to be, chose to dress against the theme, turning up in boring collar T and pants. At first ignored the whole photo thingy, however halfway through the event I gave in and took a mugshot of the horrible looking me..

Fun fact, I was showing a mad face but the picture looked like I was smiling with glee! What????

I left early, as there were certain individuals that I need to dodge from.....shouldn't mention it here, remember???

1 comment:

ExecutorAzmin said...

You know the drill..
PIctures lah!!! Aiyaa!!!