Saturday, August 02, 2008

A month too far...

Hmm, no idea why on earth I had that title..Maybe if I kept on writing I'd figure it out. Sometimes even I don't understand how my brain works....hehe

I'm actually at work on a saturday and tomorrow I will be too. I actually have work that I don't mind coming over on a weekend to finish. I guess I'm relishing the responsibility my new role places on me...Though the fact that I'm blogging when I should be working means that all the above is crap..hahaha

After some further thought, the title actually is not appropriate for this post, though much much more appropriate in my other blog. Oh well. I can't afford to reveal too much of the inner me here unless I want to kill myself. Literally.

Ok, now that I'm determined that suicide is not part of the agenda, let's get on to some updating:

1) I've wrecked my car. Not exactly totaled it, but I've aged it significantly by doing something really stupid last weekend. I drove half way around town with my handbrakes on!! Ok, I'll use the excuse that the handbrake lights didn't come on, but as excuses go......Oh, and it's called Shrek. Maybe a little small when comparing other cars, but as a 'person' about the size of Shrek.

2) Work's good especially when I'm getting a good dose of support from my boss. Also helps that I still feel I'm doing something with a purpose and with justification. Though like the previous roles, the novelty eventually goes away and the usual politics come into play. Nothing last forever....

3) Did I mention I'm on a restricted diet? Hmm, not too bothered to check what I've posted before, so I'll say it again. I'm on restricted diet. Has been enforced since end of June, though I have caved in every now and then. But not that bad I hope. I'm to weigh myself tonight to see what the progress is like. Remember, Expect Nothing, Hope for Everything. In this case, no, I'm not hoping to lose 100kgs as that would basically reduce me to a pulp. Yes, a pulp. A real pulp. Though dropping under 100KGs would be lovely. Nah..Not going to happen..:p

4) I'm becoming more and more unable to stay up late. Which means I AM getting old. Well, 10 years and counting. Life begins at 40? Hell no!! Life ends at 40...hahahahahaha (explains why I'm not properly insured...:p)

5) I'm trying to play some kind of sports regularly but looks like nothing is working. Can't swim, can't trek, can't play badminton and futsal games are just a little too far. I have another game tomorrow, though I'm not sure if I want to go. I still have unfinished work you see...

6) I want to drive to Ipoh. Wearn, if you see this, I'm going to be knocking on your door sometimes soon. A night away from KL should be fun. Boring and fun. Though with my food restrictions I'm not sure how much fun from feeding I'll get. First things first, I better burn some better music for the 2 hour drive..:p

7) Webdota is annoucing that it will cease in a month or so time. I am not sure what I'll do if I don't play that anymore..Maybe crims? Nah...I'll have to call up the owner and take him out for a drink to convince him to keep it up..hahaha...Maybe he's getting married?? Hmm, to find out.:p

Tomorrow at noon I will have exactly 10 years left to find me someone to move into the next phase of life with me. As that time reduces, so will my reason to live. For I only need to be living for myself for so long.

Life is good; and Life goes on as long as I still want too...

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