Thursday, June 16, 2005

And so I hated Love........

Lazy to write anything new, so I will post Part 2 of "Why I'm NOt In Love"


If you are not convinced to stop after reading Part One;

Let me remind you how poor your records are

You have:

Fallen for X different girls in your lifetime
X/2 +1 of which knew how you felt
X/2 -1 were oblivious of it
Yet none ever set you free from your loneliness

Those who knew how you felt
Didn't reciprocate
Those who didn't know
Didn't know why you never kept in touch

The moment you get rejected
You plunged into depression
And invoked Suicide Mode
Hating yourself, Finding faults with them
Totally ignoring the reasons why you loved them in the first place

When you finally concede and let things be
Your heart tries to make you change your mind
And out of desperation
You do the silliest and destructive things
By giving them Ultimatums that even you would not agree

To end the pain inside
You burn bridges, severe ties
Only to regret it later in your life
Only when there is no turning back

So stop being a fool for love
Understand that your heart is weak
And beat it at it's own game
Don't let it cloud your judgment
For that is your only saving grace

Still unconvinced?

Check out part 3 for case studies


Well, there isn't any part 3, nor do I hope I end up writing them. I actually ended up trying again last year, to no success ofcourse. By now I have come to realise that no amount of control can stop me from falling for someone. However, my fear of rejection, coupled by my ability to procrastinate, ensures that I will go no further than just that, falling for someone. So without external forces, nothing will change.

Until the time when that someone is more than I can fall for, it is also one that I can die for, live for, fight for and be happy for, these 2 parts will help me keep myself in check. Lightning will strike eventually, when I least expect it...Let it be.......(could not complete the sentence as it contradicts me...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So... deppresive.

The hard part about love is sometimes while we thinks we had given the best for someone, it wasn't something that the person really wants. While we thinks the person might the person fit for us, the person might not thinks so.

Need to know further, deeper, and see if the couple could tolerance and be together or separate to find someone else that might match. While what most we, as humans do, is judging judging and judging.

Me? Altough sometimes lonely while seeing other girls at my age had reached marriage, I stand still, knowing most of them unhappy in their marriage less than 3 years.