Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Road to Vic...I mean Singapore Raw Deal Qualifiers

Ok, the weekend came and went and gave me nightmares. That don't mean I won't shoot myself here just to put things on record. Having said that, I'll do my usual thing and provide an in-depth recollection of my trip down under (ok, not that far under, just Singapore) and the misadventures that I had. Oh, less I forget, this story relates very much to Raw Deal card game and WWE (you know, the wrestling programme..)

Disclaimer: Names mentioned here are not their 'real' names to protect their sensitive lives and dignity (obviously I intend to diss anyone and everyone I could think of), not to mention to avoid lawsuits that's being brought upon many bloggers...

On to it!

err....where do I start???

Ok, about 4 weeks ago I got an SMS from Fiezan that the Singapore Qualifiers were to be held on 28th January 2007. Now, Fiezan, who's a resident tournament organiser and probably amongst the top 3 in terms of Raw Deal card collection size, have consistently....failed...to make...the EVENT...TWO YEARS RUNNING ( the Qualifiers began in 2005) and since last year has shown much promise that he would pass the red tape of being a government servant wanting to visit another country having to need the Minister's approval to go. I didn't believe him at first, but eventually the tournament details were posted online and I had to believe it now. With that, the planning for yet another ROAD TRIP began..

The usual suspect of last year confirmed to go. That's myself and Azmin. He's also a two time tripper (with the most recent one, we make it 3 for 3). He had some slight problems at work, but got lucky anyway and managed to get leave approved (we planned to return on Monday, so a day's leave was crucial to our plans). He did however, had some other problems that cropped up that prevented him to actually focus on playtesting his deck, but that's another story....

Nex to confirm was the other top 3 collector (one could say he has the most, but I must protest), Emil. The past 2 years I wasn't really sure where he was, but from the first to now, this dude got married and have a baby girl, so I guess that somewhat explains why he was non-present the last 2 trips. But he is confirmed this time. So that makes 3.

Oh, in case you don't read the bias, I OBVIOUSLY think I HAVE the BIGGEST RAW DEAL card collection amongst my peers...But then again, I am HHH...I mean, bias...

Then word got out that I was willing to 'sacrifice' my own time to make the logistic arrangements and 'recruiting' road trippers. For awhile, we had about 10 persons saying they wanted to go...Alas, in the end we had 8+2...(Why plus 2? Find out later)..

The other road trippers were (in no order since I can't be bothered to think of one..)

Andy - Went the first year. Second time gave a miss because he had trouble getting leave (actually I think he just had jitters playing in a big tournament, but I can't prove it...). This time around he was determined to make it, even to the extent of sacrificing leisure by returning Sunday night and working Monday morning. Now this is determination, unlike a certain someone I'll diss later on, haha! Oh, he's well known as the Pirate, who'll con any which way to win....Quite unfortunately that didn't help his performance much on Sunday..

Ahmad - Went first year, missing second year. Now this guy practically gave up wrestling for better nights in the office (He sleeps there...). So when all of a sudden I'm informed he wants to go, I was quite surprised. But he was an excellent playtest partner during my first trip, so having him around couldn't be anything but fun..Of course, midway he informs his DAD wants to come along , so he could shop in Singapore (no, I don't think the game appeals to middle-aged men, yet). Fortunately a wedding cropped up and Ahmad was home free (for the moment).

NebNeb - Now this guy's been overseas the last couple of years, so this turns out to be his first (hopefully not his last). Not much I can say about him, though I do admit now I wasn't convince his Edge was tournament viable (bleah!)

Bryan - "I want to go". "I can't go because of CENSORED reasons". "I may be able to go because I may have a sponsor" (I can't tell who the sponsor is because I'm sure us being MCPs I'll get killed in the soonest future...). "Singapore Online!" Those were some of the things that he said in the build up to the trip. Other than that he has a New Year's Resolution of staying single. I don't know why anyone would need a resolution to do that. I've been single all my life!

Loco - He was there last year, but not the first. For those who read last year's edition, we had a spat over some things. There was a spat this time to, but is was leading up to the trip rather than on the trip itself..

Lastly there's Michael who decides to be superman and drive to Singapore Sunday night (so he isn't really part of the Road Trip) and Herman, who's a resident in Singapore but recently been helping us out (Ok Emil, so he helped me out a little more with the Fifth Year Anniversary card....Jealous???)

Oh, there was Dawn, who went the first 2 years. But things came up and she decided to cancel within 72 hours from departure date. I still aim to collect the dorm bed booking fee, since I can't get it refunded!

If you're wondering about Fiezan...Well, let's say he's got more than just red tape wrapped around his perfectly shaped body (they say round is a shape too, correct?) I think he's also got Green, Blue White & Black tape on him...Wait, that's Magic: the Gathering colours....Nevermind...In the end he's A NO SHOW....

(Continues to ONE week before we leave...)

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