Thursday, September 15, 2005

What on earth?

Is wrong with me??? ( I know that answer, actually, but have since refrain from discussing it here...sorry)

Must continue to focus on things that do not hurt, that does not betray.

On lighter note, I will be attempting to, wait, I can't say that....(Har har, my other personalities playing on me again..) Enough to say, it's another expensive venture that will open up more possibilities in the future....but it involves me alone.

Recently I have updated somewhere else that by the end of the year, I must own an Electronic Keyborad of 5 octaves or higher. This is my second written promise to myself. If I fail to deliver this, anyone that sees me mext January, shoot me. Kick me. Whatever (the F adjective is not applicable unless you are a non-related female that I would be interested)....

So if you find me being much more guarded on how I spend my money, hopefulyy this is an indication why.

Until then, I will continue to play till my heart recovers....Or I have a heart attack...Whichever that comes first...

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