Friday, October 03, 2008

A routine kept...

a routine lost.

I managed a trip down to Singapore earlier this week. 2 days 1 night to be exact. Luckily for me I didn't have to pay for my transportation and lodging this time around as my boss decided that my input on location was worth the RM 1000 the trip would relatively cost. To explain how much I actually spent on my own (and even this I've been told to claim from the company), I brought around SGD 150, left over from my previous trip and returned with SGD 120. Ok, I didn't shop because I really couldn't tell if the things there were cheaper than Malaysia as I was very much thinking in terms of SGD instead of RM when I was there.

To illustrate, I spent SGD4 on a hot choclate and SGD3.50 for a sandwich for breakfast without flinching. This happened even before I was told to claim for all my meals not paid on corporate card (Yes, I have one that can only be used when I'm on business. I wished my company would require me to travel more....Muahahaha). Only after being told by a local that I have good taste (without realising at first the 'good' meant 'expensive and extravagent') I realised I spent almost RM 20 for breakfast!! You wouldn't see me spending that much for a sandwich and hot chocolate for Breakfast in Malaysia!

Now, what did I lose? Well, for those who've known me long enough and recall my older, older posts, I have this thing for Singapore's Burger King. I just think it's so much better than the local ones. MUCH BETTER. So much better that I have, without failure, always had at least 1 serve of the Whopper before returning to Malaysia. Unfortunately, this time around I was busy maximising opportunities to try new food. Procrastinating getting a Whopper until the very end. On the last meal of the trip, I stumbled upon a Brazillian restaurant (called Carnivore, which should have rang a bell). Since I couldn't find a French restaurant I thought I'd just try it. To my surprise they were serving set Buffet meal where they hawk their barbecued meat around and in the end, I had more meat that 1 meal than I had the entire month of September! (They served beef, pork, lamb, chicken and fish. Fish was poor eventhough they served Salmon). By the time I was done, which took me less than an hour, I was so full I couldnt' bring myself to buy a Whopper for later.

Hence, I now have broken my chain of always getting a BK Whopper each time I go to Singapore. As it has been recently, over the past few months, I've broken quite a number of my rules and chains, which, while some have been uneventful, others have brought a good change to my life. Maybe it's time to set new chains/rules? Hmmmm.

On a side note, someone I know recently started blogging (she started much longer ago, but back then I wasn't in the mood to 'layan', hehe). However, in her blog there was no opportunity to comment, so that somewhat loses it's appeal abit. But I must say, she does write well.....

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