Friday, December 26, 2008

And so it begins....Part 1 of HK Trip

I.e. Prologue..

But then again, it's not as interesting as my Raw Deal adventures in Singapore, so I wouldn't really go story like. But I do have more photos and will try to recall as much as I can.

Here goes...


About 4 months back I was asked to volunteer for a 'team' in my company which has recently seen some people 'leave'. I was keen before, but back when it was first introduced in 2005 I was in a sorry state (I think if you check my 2005 entries you'd find out why) so I passed the opportunity then. So now that it's done a boomerang, bandwagon I jump!

Little did I know each new member of this 'team' needs to go through a 'start up' training of sorts and it's only conducted by the 'specialists' in the field. That training is to be done in HK.

What? No dance of joy? I get a trip to HK and no dance of joy? Ridiculous!

Considering the times we are in now, me being in an American company meant that trips like this were bound to get axed. (I have since gone and returned, so you should now that it didn't..) There were 4 in Malaysia going and 2 of the guys have already started to plan to take a day's leave to venture around HK on their own. At first I wasn't keen as I really don't know what I'll do there. I'm not much of a traveller, you see. But as time went by I got pressured into making most out of the opportunity (and since I've gone and returned....You know the drill). I then tried to reach out to one of the guys I got to know via Raw Deal, who, as things have it, is now working in HK, hoping for some free accomodation for that 1 day's stay. Accomodation is expensive in HK, even if you aren't all that picky (Ok, I wasn't ready to stay 3 nights at a 4-5 star hotel on my company and then go backpacking for 1 more night.)

Several weeks past and my SMS to that guy never got replied. Then on a fateful lunch hour last month, he called and asked if I was indeed planning to go. he even offered to host me more than just one day, if I wanted. Flustered, I asked to stay until Sunday (Oops. Training starts on Tuesday and ends on Wednesday. Monday was to travel to HK. Thursday, had I not extended, was to return back to Malaysia. So if I leave on Sunday, it would be 3 full days on my own.). He said ok. So from someone who was suppose to not spend any personal time in HK (compared to the others) i am now the one staying the longest!

Oh, just to side track a bit, while I was in a limbo waiting for his reply, I did try to get my other colleagues in HK to 'host', but I guess it was not meant to be. I have no qualms, however, as you'll find out!

After 8 years, I once again get an opportunity to go to HK. I will however, promise myself to not make that big boo boo 8 years ago and remember that I should at the very least TRY to have a good time even though I'm not paying (all) of the expenses! (For the days I was on my own, I was ON MY OWN...In case someone I don't expect to see this sees this...:p)

Well, time to talk about the trip....(Gotta rack up some post counts!)

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