Friday, December 12, 2008

So far, so good?

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. That's because I spent the whole of last week in Hong Kong, which I have taken photos and 'eventually' will post it up here.

For the moment, here's a quick update:

1) HK was fun and enjoyable. Not without setbacks however, but could easily have had more..More on that much much later.
2) Me as a boy gamer was fed a nice meal in HK...Also more on that later..
3) Liverpool is on top of the league, yet I don't feel all that happy. Must be because past history shows that they've been there before, but not after X'mas....
4) I've unresolved personal issues. Wait, that's always the case, no? haha
5) I'm still lazy with practise. With the current financial situation, spending RM 5K+ on a piano isn't exactly spend thrift and wise...Oh, what have I gotten myself into this time???
6) Work has been....Unproductive. Need to find that zest at work again. Thought I found one then some managerial bloke decides my Kobe Beef is too expensive...Wait, this is again part of my HK experience...
7) It's funny how sometimes you don't really need to know someone a whole lot to be a whole lot nicer to them. I was on the receiving end this time and it's a weird feeling. Again, this is yet another HK story.

Looks like I have lots to tell about my HK experience. Hopefully I'll find time in between beating the crap out of Heroes 5: Tribes of the East to post the pictures et all..No, I shouldn't do all that at work......Really....zzzzzz

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