Monday, October 03, 2005

The Board is set....

The Pieces are moving...

I have finally confirmed that the first part (Appointment) of the Great Movement within my Company is official. And to the fact that part two (Transferrence) was already complete last week (part one even earlier, but without my knowledge), now remains part three: Creation, and part four: Reconciliation.

Once all these are in place, my wilder conspiracy theory is proven true, and this puts a great question on my ability to judge character. Despite me being a largely analytical person, I have discovered that I have poor judgement when it comes to people. I seem to get myself involved with people that want to take advantage of me, and those who don't I tend to take for granted.

To those who have cared for me sincerely and with heart, many apologies for not knowing, and not seeing. May I see your true colours and acknowledge your contributions all the time. If I don't, feel free to give me a kick on the behind..

To those who are still thinking that I am something you can use, (insert profanity here) you. I will learn from my dealings with you and see right through you moving forward.

Mushy stuff. Sorry. In any case, I should post something about paintball last weekend....

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