Wednesday, October 12, 2005

If I was a Vampire in V:tM

I'd be a Malkavian.

I actually love Toreadors the most, as they are so cool and exactly what I like most about being a Vampire; Fast, Charismatic and foresight to boot.

I'd even settle with Tremere, but with no spells in repetoire, I guess that just won't do.

So why would I be a Malkavian? Firstly, I admit that I am demented. Not so much in action, but very much in thought. Things that goes through my head are so, so, sick and well, demented. So if you know me personally, chances are you don't...Scared you, didn't I?

Next, I am extremely moody, and thus fit a Malkavian very much. Also, I can see humour in the worst of situations, and yet be dead serious over child's play. Don't you agree I'm Malkavian?

Going to the diciplines that I would have, I'd say Basic Auspex, Superior Dementation and no Obfuscate. That's because not only do I have no tact, I can't really do much in secret without laughing over it. So I'd have a capacity of 3. I'd give myself the ability, BenBHadd can perform any action any number of times this turn. That's because I'm never bored of the same old thing. Wait, that means I'm boring.........Maybe I am.

So that's me as a vampire....If you think you're one too (per V:tM), feel free to comment..

Oh, I'd also be Sterile, meaning to say I can create any progeny.......(this is not a medical condition, I think..ha ha)

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